What happens if RBI prints more notes and distributed to public? |How inflation occurs | How inflation is controlled | The multitude

How inflation occurs, why RBI can't print more note, control of inflation and credit

 Reserve Bank of India is the central of India has the monopoly of issue of notes. Notes are printed by RBI issued except one rupee coin and subsidiary of that coin.

How RBI functions:click here

Now the question can be raised that, why not RBI can print more notes and destribute to people free so that everybody get rich?


   RBI prints notes according to availibility of gold reserves. Not according to need if RBI prints then leads to inflation.

  How inflation occurs actually

   If RBI print note and distribute to public, Then the purchasing power of people increases, demand increases, due to demand the price of goods increases which leads to inflation. Inflation decrease the value of Rupee 

For example :let us assume that you deposite 10lakh Rupees in bank, if the inflation rate increase to 7% then the your value of deposits will be 93 lakh, although you get the 10lakh but if you wish to purchase some goods you can purchase only 93 lakh rupees value of goods because the price of that goods increases by 7%.

   Inflation may also rises due to more credit given by commercial bank,I bank gives more money to public then their purchasing power increase,demanf increase,price increase, I price increases then inflation. Inflation is like our devil it off our savings in future the value of Rupee decrease,

   To control the credit in market RBI has some tools, if people have no money then they can't purchase the goods

 credit is created by commercial bank by providing    Discount on Bill, loans and advances (credit). It also has some limitations as follows

     1. Circulation of money determines the creation of credit

     2. Bank cannot create credit without  acquiring securities

     3. Amount  public desired to hold determines the

      creation of credit

     4. Creation of credit are limited by policies of RBI

     5.Bank had to keep some cash reserve cannot create

     credit exceed

     6. Credit creation  depend upon nature of business ,

     during prosperity it is high and low during depression.

Before discussing  control of credit let us understand  some terms

1. Repo rate :It the rate where RBI lends money to commercial  Bank which have shortage of funds

2. Reserve repo rate : It is the rate where RBI borrows money from bank. Bank keep money with RBI which earns higher returns

3. Cash reserve ratio It is the percentage of total deposit where bank shall maintain with RBI

4. Statutory liquidity ratio It is proportion of deposit that bank are required to maintain in liquid form


Control of credit

The most important  function of RBI as central bank of India to control the credit by

i.                  Reducing the quantity  of credit

ii.               Raising the cost of credit 

iii.             selecting the purpose for which credit should be made available or not


The reserve bank keep following aims while controlling the credit

 To boot the economic  development

 To check the inflation rate

 To see legitimate credit requirement of trade and industry  are duly met


1. RBI maintain some pecentage to provide  Credit RBI can rise the bank rate so that people cannot affordable and may not take credit, on the other hand RBI can reduce the bank rate and provide more credit


2. RBI can increase the CRR rate i.e cash reserve ratio so the bank have to maintain that much of cash RBI  which also reduces the availability of cash with or RBI can reduce the CRR  which allow bank give more credit


3. RBI can increase the SLR rate i.e statutory liquidity ratio so the bank have to maintain that much of cash RBI  which also reduces the availability of cash with or RBI can reduce the SLR which allow bank give more credit


4. RBI adopted  open market operation mainly  to assist governments  in the borrowings. There has been selling of government security To reduce the gap in the budgetary operation

For more detail of RBI Click here

The multitude

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