Space events you should not miss in February 2021 |space event | the multitude

The following space event are going to happen in February 2021. 

a-centraurid meteor shower

   On 8th February 2021 a space event going to be happen called a centraurid meteor shower. 5 to 10 meteor going to fall in per hour 

Conjunction of Moon & Saturn

   On 10th February 2021 moon and saturn are going to be very close to each other. They conjunct when moon and saturn line up exactly and their vibration blends and they work together, 

Triple conjunction of planets

On February 24 ,2021 mercury, Jupiter and saturn are conjunct each other this is very rarest space event,

Snow moon

On 26th February 2021 a full snow Moon is appear on sky. A moon with full of beauty. It is going to final full moon on winter season in the year 2021

The above given images may not be exactly similar  On the event day

The multitude

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