WHAT ARE Functions of RBI | Functions of central bank of india | RBI | The multitude

Functions of RBI, Functions of central bank of India,

Central bankof india

Every country has central bank, which controls and regulate the all financial act and has authority on all other commercial bank. the central bank is called central because it occupies the central position in monetory terms, central bank act on the behalf of central government in internationally. central bank control the credit in country to safeguar the financial stability of country. 
   In india RBI is central bank which guides  the central and state government. RBI was established on 1st april 1935. In the year 1949 RBI was wholly owned by the govrnment of india,RBI was initially established in calcutta and in the year 1937 it permanently shifted to mumbai. 


1. RBI  holds india's eminent public finanacical institution to control the monetory policy of india.
2. It maintain the economic stability and growth of economy.
3. Controller of credit in india.
4. Advisor to governmnet 
5. It act as guidance of commercial bank.
6. It plays the important role in developing, diversifying and strengthening the country's economy.


The following function are described by the preamble of Reserve Bank of India.

1. Issuer of currency.
2. Governments bank, Agent, Adviser.
3. Banker of bank .
4. Custodian of foreign exchange reserves.
5. Clearing house.
6. Controller of credit.
7. Lender of last resort.

1. Issuer of currency 
  RBI is the sole authority of  issuing currency except one rupee coin and subsidiary of that coin. The central bank has to maintain reserve of gold, Foreign exchange and silver against the issue of currency. RBI need to supply  note according  to need otherwise it leads to inflation I.e
rise in General prices.

2. Government bank, Agent , Adviser

   RBI acts as bank, Agent, Adviser to the government. It receive deposits and provides loans and advances to government. The central bank render services to government. It also sell treasury  Bill on the behalf of government in order to balnce the excess liquidity in the economy. 

3. Banker of bank

   The central bankof India has been vested with extensive  power to control and supervise commercial bank system. It provides financial  guidance to all commercial bank. Commercial bank is required to maintain some pecentage CRR and SLR with RBI, At the time of emergency commercial  bank can get reserves from RBI.

4. Custodian  of foreign exchange reserves

   RBI need to maintain the value of rupee in international level. It has has authority to enter into exchange transaction on account of government  or/and on own account.

5. Clearing house

   RBI acts as the clearing house to settle the internal bank indebtness. RBI keep the cash balance for each commercial bank to settle each other commercial banks debt or can transfer funds from one bank to anothe bank through RBI.

6. Controller of credit 

   Control of credit is important function of RBI. Credit is created by the commercial bank and RBI control the credit. It necessary to control the credit because it affect the business and purchase power of general people over all. RBI has adopted twommwthos to control the credit 
   I. Quantitative or General credit control 
 II. Qualitative or selective credit control 

7. Lender of last resort
   RBI act as the lender of last resor, At the time of financial difficulties I can borrow  from RBI for temporary. RBI is alway act as lender of last resort 


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