Intresting facts of burj khalifa | The burj khalifa | The multitude

Interesting fact of burj khalifa, The burj khalifa,

Burj khalifa

   Burj khalifa is tallest skysraper/ man made structure in the world and has a height of 828meter i.e 2716.5 feets. It has 163 flors.


Did you know? 
Burj khalifa is two times the height of empire building and three times the height of eiffels tower.

   An elevators installed in burj khalifa are the fastest elevators in the wolrd, the speed of elevators are 10m/s, it can reach to 160th floor in just 1 minute. There are 2900 stairs in burj khalifa.


   Burj khalifa holds world records like longest distance travelling  elevators, highest occupied floors, tallest freestanding structure, highest number  of stories, highest hotel in world, tallest building  in the world.


 The tip of burj khalifa I.e highest point of burj khalifa can seen from 95 kilometres away from burj khalifa.

   He construction of burj khalifa was started on 6th January 2004, construction was completed on 2009 and opened publicly on 2010.

   Did you know? Almost more then 12000 worker was worked in construction of burj khalifa per day.

   Did you know? An Indian businessman George .V. nereaparabic owns 22 apartments in burj khalifa. George .V. nereaparadics is from Kerala and one of the highest private investor in burj khalifa.


Recentlya sandalwood star Mr. Sudeep popularly known as Kiccha is displayed on burj khalifa for his film vikrant Rona promotion.


   Did you know? If you jump from highest point of burj khalifa, you will take almost 20 second to reach at ground.


Burj khalifa  required as average 9,46,000 litre of a water at peak cooling, it required about 10,000 tonnes of cooling equal to the cooling capacity  providing by about 10,000 tonnes of Melton ice.

   Burk khalifa is tallest man made structure  in th world but not taller than munt everest, the hight of mount everest is 8,850 meter and burj khalifa is just 828 meter, mount everest is more than 10 times tallest than burj khalifa.




The multitude

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