Interesting facts about Burj Khalifa

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What are the conditions for the company to allot sweat equity shares of its holding company to its employees who are resident outside India? Other releted matter.

The multitude

 sweat equity share is covered under section 54 of companies act 2013

company may issue sweat equity share of class of share already issues, if the following condition are fulfilled---

1) The issue of sweat equity share shall be authorised by it's article 

2)   The issue of sweat equity shall be authorised by special resolution 

3) The resolution shall specify the,

     a. Current market price 

     b. No. of share so issuing 

     c. Class of director or employee to whom such share are issuing 

     d. If equity share of company are listed in recognised stock exchange, then , sweat equity share shall 

         issue accordance with regulation of SEBI

     e. If equity share of company is not listed, then, accordance with RULE 8 of company ( share and                   debenture ) rule ,2014 

who is employee-  employee includes

1) A director of the company, may be whole time director or part time, but not independent director

2) A permanent employee of company, who may working in India or not

3) The director or employee of company mentioned in above point (1) &(2) may be of subsidiary 

why sweat equity share is issued  

   sweat equity share issued to director or employees of the company to provide their

know-how and value addition (i.e economic benefits) 

    every Indian company can issue sweat equity share to it's employee or director, 

it shall not issue sweat equity share more than 15% of current paid up capital of share value of rupees 5 crore , whichever is higher

Intresting facts of burj khalifa | The burj khalifa | The multitude

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Burj khalifa

   Burj khalifa is tallest skysraper/ man made structure in the world and has a height of 828meter i.e 2716.5 feets. It has 163 flors.


Did you know? 
Burj khalifa is two times the height of empire building and three times the height of eiffels tower.

   An elevators installed in burj khalifa are the fastest elevators in the wolrd, the speed of elevators are 10m/s, it can reach to 160th floor in just 1 minute. There are 2900 stairs in burj khalifa.


   Burj khalifa holds world records like longest distance travelling  elevators, highest occupied floors, tallest freestanding structure, highest number  of stories, highest hotel in world, tallest building  in the world.


 The tip of burj khalifa I.e highest point of burj khalifa can seen from 95 kilometres away from burj khalifa.

   He construction of burj khalifa was started on 6th January 2004, construction was completed on 2009 and opened publicly on 2010.

   Did you know? Almost more then 12000 worker was worked in construction of burj khalifa per day.

   Did you know? An Indian businessman George .V. nereaparabic owns 22 apartments in burj khalifa. George .V. nereaparadics is from Kerala and one of the highest private investor in burj khalifa.


Recentlya sandalwood star Mr. Sudeep popularly known as Kiccha is displayed on burj khalifa for his film vikrant Rona promotion.


   Did you know? If you jump from highest point of burj khalifa, you will take almost 20 second to reach at ground.


Burj khalifa  required as average 9,46,000 litre of a water at peak cooling, it required about 10,000 tonnes of cooling equal to the cooling capacity  providing by about 10,000 tonnes of Melton ice.

   Burk khalifa is tallest man made structure  in th world but not taller than munt everest, the hight of mount everest is 8,850 meter and burj khalifa is just 828 meter, mount everest is more than 10 times tallest than burj khalifa.




What happens if RBI prints more notes and distributed to public? |How inflation occurs | How inflation is controlled | The multitude

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 Reserve Bank of India is the central of India has the monopoly of issue of notes. Notes are printed by RBI issued except one rupee coin and subsidiary of that coin.

How RBI functions:click here

Now the question can be raised that, why not RBI can print more notes and destribute to people free so that everybody get rich?


   RBI prints notes according to availibility of gold reserves. Not according to need if RBI prints then leads to inflation.

  How inflation occurs actually

   If RBI print note and distribute to public, Then the purchasing power of people increases, demand increases, due to demand the price of goods increases which leads to inflation. Inflation decrease the value of Rupee 

For example :let us assume that you deposite 10lakh Rupees in bank, if the inflation rate increase to 7% then the your value of deposits will be 93 lakh, although you get the 10lakh but if you wish to purchase some goods you can purchase only 93 lakh rupees value of goods because the price of that goods increases by 7%.

   Inflation may also rises due to more credit given by commercial bank,I bank gives more money to public then their purchasing power increase,demanf increase,price increase, I price increases then inflation. Inflation is like our devil it off our savings in future the value of Rupee decrease,

   To control the credit in market RBI has some tools, if people have no money then they can't purchase the goods

 credit is created by commercial bank by providing    Discount on Bill, loans and advances (credit). It also has some limitations as follows

     1. Circulation of money determines the creation of credit

     2. Bank cannot create credit without  acquiring securities

     3. Amount  public desired to hold determines the

      creation of credit

     4. Creation of credit are limited by policies of RBI

     5.Bank had to keep some cash reserve cannot create

     credit exceed

     6. Credit creation  depend upon nature of business ,

     during prosperity it is high and low during depression.

Before discussing  control of credit let us understand  some terms

1. Repo rate :It the rate where RBI lends money to commercial  Bank which have shortage of funds

2. Reserve repo rate : It is the rate where RBI borrows money from bank. Bank keep money with RBI which earns higher returns

3. Cash reserve ratio It is the percentage of total deposit where bank shall maintain with RBI

4. Statutory liquidity ratio It is proportion of deposit that bank are required to maintain in liquid form


Control of credit

The most important  function of RBI as central bank of India to control the credit by

i.                  Reducing the quantity  of credit

ii.               Raising the cost of credit 

iii.             selecting the purpose for which credit should be made available or not


The reserve bank keep following aims while controlling the credit

 To boot the economic  development

 To check the inflation rate

 To see legitimate credit requirement of trade and industry  are duly met


1. RBI maintain some pecentage to provide  Credit RBI can rise the bank rate so that people cannot affordable and may not take credit, on the other hand RBI can reduce the bank rate and provide more credit


2. RBI can increase the CRR rate i.e cash reserve ratio so the bank have to maintain that much of cash RBI  which also reduces the availability of cash with or RBI can reduce the CRR  which allow bank give more credit


3. RBI can increase the SLR rate i.e statutory liquidity ratio so the bank have to maintain that much of cash RBI  which also reduces the availability of cash with or RBI can reduce the SLR which allow bank give more credit


4. RBI adopted  open market operation mainly  to assist governments  in the borrowings. There has been selling of government security To reduce the gap in the budgetary operation

For more detail of RBI Click here

Space events you should not miss in February 2021 |space event | the multitude

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The following space event are going to happen in February 2021. 

a-centraurid meteor shower

   On 8th February 2021 a space event going to be happen called a centraurid meteor shower. 5 to 10 meteor going to fall in per hour 

Conjunction of Moon & Saturn

   On 10th February 2021 moon and saturn are going to be very close to each other. They conjunct when moon and saturn line up exactly and their vibration blends and they work together, 

Triple conjunction of planets

On February 24 ,2021 mercury, Jupiter and saturn are conjunct each other this is very rarest space event,

Snow moon

On 26th February 2021 a full snow Moon is appear on sky. A moon with full of beauty. It is going to final full moon on winter season in the year 2021

The above given images may not be exactly similar  On the event day

WHAT ARE Functions of RBI | Functions of central bank of india | RBI | The multitude

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Central bankof india

Every country has central bank, which controls and regulate the all financial act and has authority on all other commercial bank. the central bank is called central because it occupies the central position in monetory terms, central bank act on the behalf of central government in internationally. central bank control the credit in country to safeguar the financial stability of country. 
   In india RBI is central bank which guides  the central and state government. RBI was established on 1st april 1935. In the year 1949 RBI was wholly owned by the govrnment of india,RBI was initially established in calcutta and in the year 1937 it permanently shifted to mumbai. 


1. RBI  holds india's eminent public finanacical institution to control the monetory policy of india.
2. It maintain the economic stability and growth of economy.
3. Controller of credit in india.
4. Advisor to governmnet 
5. It act as guidance of commercial bank.
6. It plays the important role in developing, diversifying and strengthening the country's economy.


The following function are described by the preamble of Reserve Bank of India.

1. Issuer of currency.
2. Governments bank, Agent, Adviser.
3. Banker of bank .
4. Custodian of foreign exchange reserves.
5. Clearing house.
6. Controller of credit.
7. Lender of last resort.

1. Issuer of currency 
  RBI is the sole authority of  issuing currency except one rupee coin and subsidiary of that coin. The central bank has to maintain reserve of gold, Foreign exchange and silver against the issue of currency. RBI need to supply  note according  to need otherwise it leads to inflation I.e
rise in General prices.

2. Government bank, Agent , Adviser

   RBI acts as bank, Agent, Adviser to the government. It receive deposits and provides loans and advances to government. The central bank render services to government. It also sell treasury  Bill on the behalf of government in order to balnce the excess liquidity in the economy. 

3. Banker of bank

   The central bankof India has been vested with extensive  power to control and supervise commercial bank system. It provides financial  guidance to all commercial bank. Commercial bank is required to maintain some pecentage CRR and SLR with RBI, At the time of emergency commercial  bank can get reserves from RBI.

4. Custodian  of foreign exchange reserves

   RBI need to maintain the value of rupee in international level. It has has authority to enter into exchange transaction on account of government  or/and on own account.

5. Clearing house

   RBI acts as the clearing house to settle the internal bank indebtness. RBI keep the cash balance for each commercial bank to settle each other commercial banks debt or can transfer funds from one bank to anothe bank through RBI.

6. Controller of credit 

   Control of credit is important function of RBI. Credit is created by the commercial bank and RBI control the credit. It necessary to control the credit because it affect the business and purchase power of general people over all. RBI has adopted twommwthos to control the credit 
   I. Quantitative or General credit control 
 II. Qualitative or selective credit control 

7. Lender of last resort
   RBI act as the lender of last resor, At the time of financial difficulties I can borrow  from RBI for temporary. RBI is alway act as lender of last resort 


What is bitcoin ? | meaning of bitcoin | Advantages and disadvantages of bitcoin | The multitude

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Bitcoin is one of cryoptocurrency or digit virtual currency created by unknown person called satoshi nakamoto in the year 2008. Bitcoin is digit virtual currency which we cannot actually see or touch because it is digital currency  we can store this only in computer system in the form of file.

Satoshi nakamoto

Satoshi nakamoto used blockchain technology. Each blockchain are interlinked with each other are categorized by Data, Hash , Hash of previous  Block


1. Low transaction fees for international  payment.

2. No service  charges. (elimination of banking fees)

3. Greater liquidity compared to other cryptocurrency.

4. Peer to peersystem is used so impossible  of hack.

5. Payment can be made through  mobile  phone.

6. Accessibility.

7. It can be used as alternative currency, countries like USA, Australian, Japan use this currency as alternative currency.


1. Bitcoin prices fluctuate and it is high risk asset people may lose sometime.

2. Environment ills of bitcoin mining.

3. Bitcoin  is not governed by any organization  so any queries people may not know to whom to enquire.

4. Bitcoins are not acceptedin some countries.

5. Bitcoins  are not In physical form.

6. No valuation guarantee.

7. It takes minimum 10 minutes for transaction.


  In India many people are in miss understanding that bitcoin is illegal in india but the actual thruth is bitcoin is never banned in india. The issue was on the year 2018 RBI ordered all bank to deny the access of those company or any organisation making transaction with bitcoin, RBI never mentionaed that bitcoin is banned or illegal.

  On the year 2020 people protested against RBI and filled case in supreme court but the court held that according 19-1G RBI cannot restrain from any trade or bussines. RBI was against the costitution and finnaly on 4th march 2020 officially declared that anybody can trade and invest in bitcoin.


  Amit bharatwaj spread wrong news that he created his own cryptocurrency and anybody can buy and can sell, made around 2,000 crore rupees fraud

  our currency is governed by government and RBI, it has our governor official signature " I promise to pay the bearer the sum of ten rupees", RBI sttamp and on the top as "guaranteed by the central government" but bitcoin is not governed by the any kind of institution or government or bank no one will follows the rules and regulation of bitcoin so due to this, bank and credit card company are against bitcoin because bitcoin is non governed cryptocurrency  people making transaction with bitcoin need not to give any tax and services charges to bank and these bank and credit card company inccuring heavy lose.

For more knowledge of bitcoin you can purchase these books on amazon

Intresting fact of Republic day| Top unknown facts of Republic day| Happy Republic day

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1. Republic day is celebrated on 26th January. Republic day I earlier celebrated as India's independence or porn swaraj day.

2. On 26th January 1930 it I the day where India fought against  Britishers for complete freedom.

3. The first republic  day was celebrated  on 26th January  1950 after three years of independence  day.

4. In 1955 the first Republic day pared was made at Rajpath, chief guest was  governor General of Pakistan Malikghulam mahammed.

5. On 26th January 1950 our first president Dr.Rajendra Prasad was sworn.

6.Republic day or Purina swaraj day I three day's affair which end on January 29 with the beating retrat ceremony.

7. In 1955 the first Republic  day pared A Christian Hyman "abide with me " is played, the Hyman was a favourite of mahatma Ghandi.

8. Head state of indonasia  sukarno is the first chief guest for India's first Republic day.

9. Republic day was celebrated  at national stadium(earlier  iswin stadium), Red fort, Ramlila grounds and kings way.

10. The president (Dr. Rajendra Prasad) was greeted by 31 gun salute during 1st Republic day.

11. The award like padma award, Bharat ratna award, Kirti chakra award, are announced on the eve of Republic day and these are given on Republic day

12. The India air force was controlled body but on Republic day it was independent body

13.Dr B. R. Ambedkar was given birth to Indian constitution on Republic day

Top 10 bridges in INDIA 2021

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 Top 10 bridges in india


Name:Bogibeel Bridge

State: Assam


River: Brahmaputra

Construction start:21st April2002

Publicly opened:25th December 2018


Name:Gandhi setu




Construction start:1972

Opened publicly:may 1982


Name:Bandra Worli sea link

Location: mumbai, maharashtra


Construction start:2000

Opened publicly:24th March 2010


Name:Dhola sadiya bridge

Location: Assam


River:lohit tributary    of Brahmaputra river

Construction start:Nov 2011

Opened publicly:26 may 2017


Name: pamban bridge

Location:Tamil nadu


Construction start:1911

Opened publicly:1915


Name:Dibang bridge

Location: Arunachal Pradesh



Construction start:April 2013

Opened publicly:2018


Name:Digha sonpur rail road bridge




Construction start:2033

Opened publicly:3 February 2016



Location:Andra Pradesh



Opened publicly:16 August 1974



Location: Kolkata



Construction start:1936

Opened publicly:3rd February 1943


Name:Vembanad Rail bridge



Lake: Vembanad construction start:June 2007

Opened publicly:11 February 2011

Top 10 indian car company 2020

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Top 10 indian car company 2020

1.Maruti Suzuki India Ltd

   Maruti Suzuki India ltd is founded by government of India on 1982 in gurugram.

Present CEO is Kenichi ayukawa. Stock price is more then 7500 

2.Hyundai motor India Ltd

  Hyundai motor India Ltd is forgien subsidiary company in South Korea founded on 6th May 1996 in Chennai,tamil nadu,india

3.Mahindra and Mahindra india Ltd

  Mahindra is established in 1945as Muhammad and Mahindra and later on is renamed as Mahindra and Mahindra. It has headquarter in mumbai

4.Tata motors Ltd

  Tata motors is multinational automotive manufacturing company. Founded by tata family in 1945 and has headquarter in mumbai. Tata motors aquared UK based company jaguar and landRover.

5.Honda cars india Ltd

Honda is established in 1995 in greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Honda is wholly subsidiary company of Japan honda. Honda City, honda civics etc are the successful car of honda in india

6.Toyota kirloskar motor Pvt Ltd

  Toyota is fully subsidiary Toyota motor corporation of Japan. Toyota has joint venture with kirloskar group. Founded on 6th October 1997 in banglore. Fortuner, innova, crysta and yaris etc are successful cars in india

7.Ford India Pvt Ltd 

  Ford india pvt Ltd is wholly subsidiary of Ford motor company. On 1995 Ford is established as Mahindra ford india Ltd in Sholinganallur,Chennai, tamil nadu ford ecosport, endeavour etc are most loved cars in india

8.Renault india pvt Ltd

  Renault india is wholly subsidiary of Renault of France. Founded on 2005 in Chennai,india. Triber,kwid

Duster SUV are some cars of Renault in india

9.Nissan motor India 

  Nissan automotive india is subsidiary of Renault. Nissan is japanese based company. Renault Nisaan pvt Ltd is established in 12 January 2021.

10.Skoda Volkswagen pvt Ltd

  Skoda Volkswagen pvt Ltd is fully owned subsidiary of Volkswagen group. Founded on 2001 in Pune, india. Division: audi india, Porsche india, Skoda, Lamborghini, Skoda, seat